"That little bitch. I hate him."
Just a sample of some text messages I received last night around 9:22 pm est. Yes fellow hoppers, the biggest murder since Stringer Bell has happened and we are all still in shock--but not surprised. Perhaps some of you are upset it was Kendard---and not, say, Michael Lee or Chris or Snoop--that took out the street legend Omar Little. Perhaps some of you are upset that Omar was got at all (you only have two more episodes to really miss him). Perhaps you are upset because you foolishly thought a player like Omar lives forever in the streets. The brilliance of this murder was that it wasn't some big time shoot out or set up. It was quick, clean, and uneventful. Fuckin Kendard. The cat-torturing, foul mouthed little fucker that we already hated--and now will hate even more. He killed our beloved savior, our moral center of the game, our super hero, robin hood Omar. But you sorta felt it coming didn't you? Omar's depsperation looking for Marlo. Running the streets alone, gimpy, in broad daylight, with a worrisome look on his face. Omar orders some cigarettes, we hear the door open, he stares down who we now know was Kendard, looks away because he certainly sees no danger in a 10 year old hopper. Shot dead and robbed for souvenirs. Kenard looked every moment his age after that gun went off. His rep is secure for a long time.
Omar's death is not the first time a character we love has fallen. We have Wallace, Sabotka, D'angelo, Stringer, Bodie, and now Omar. All players with their own version of the game and each went down for it. In the streets your shelf life is shorter than that of an NFL running back. And you matter even less outside the streets. We see Gus a few scenes later dropping the mention of Omar's murder from the papers in favor of a fire story. At the end of the episode the coroners office mixes up his tags with a random white guy that the doc knew was not named Omar Little. Omar does not matter. That is what they are showing you. A legend of the streets is a John Doe to the common man.
One last thought on Omar: does Rinaldo come back for vengeance in the final episode?
Let me give all due praise to one of the most unheralded characters on the show: Sydnor. Does anyone else recall it was Sydnor is season one that was able to figure out who Avon Barksdale was in the East vs. West Side pick up game? Or the undercover work he did with Bubbles? He is "good police" and this episode was a shot out to good police work. From The Bunk legitimately getting a murder warrant on Chris (and what I think will eventually lead to The Bunk taking down that bastard) to Sydnor and Smooth Lestor finally figuring out the clock code on the phones, this episode showed the viewer what good police do with good police work. I think the case is very close and it's now a race to see who gets to Marlo first. But something tells me we might have another taste of what happened in season three with McNutty and Stringer. Just when McNutty had him, Stringer gets killed. McNutty was more depressed about that than anything: he had him, but didn't get to him in time. Will this also happen to The Bunk with Chris? I hope not because The Bunk deserves to get his man. Even though he did finally "taste" some of McNutty's money by getting him to expedite his lab work. Hey, at least it was for a legitimate warrant and not some stupid serial killer bullshit.
Speaking of that, now both Kima and Carver are in on McNutty and Lestor's BS. Will this backfire? Because Kima is NOT happy about it at all and the foursome is usually McNutty-Bunk-Lestor-Kima. And right now, two of those four are not down with what is going on. Lestor does make a mention of "someone else on this network we don't have yet" when he figures out some of the call patterns. Is that Vondas and The Greeks? Has to be. But I fear, once again, that there is absolutely no way The Greeks go down. That are far too insulated from the streets and have obvious federal protection. Like Furious says in Boyz in da Hood, "you think it's the black man bringing the drugs into L.A? We don't own no cars, no boats, no planes." There would be no Avons, no Prop Joes, no Marlos or Chris' or even Omars if there wasn't The Greeks. Think about that. Think about what falls under the umbrella of crime that they create in the city. From Carcetti to Bubbles (Reginald Cousins is his name now huh?) all the pieces matter.
Speaking of the Bubbles storyline, I think Fletcher is based upon David Simon himself. I remember reading that Bubbles was based off a C.I. that Simon was friendly with during his time at The Sun. Fletcher seems to be developing an affinity for Reginald and perhaps we see a front page feature on Bubs in the paper!
No Shows: Cutty, Prezbo, Namond.
Predictions: based off the previews for next week most of you seem to think that Michael Lee is taking out Snoop while Chris and Marlo get busted. Michael Lee is taking out someone, and since he says, "y'all taught me to get there early" and then BANG!, one would assume it's either Chris or Snoop. But something tells me that preview clip is purposefully misleading. I don't really know. We also see Marlo screaming out about "my name is my name on the streets" or whatever bullshit macho shit he thinks he is spewing. I fear Marlo is going to live and Chris is going to get busted by The Bunk and Snoop is going to get got by Michael Lee. Leaving Michael Lee and...KENARD atop the game.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Season 5 Episode 58: Clarifications
Posted by
Jaded Bitterman
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Season 5 Episode 57: Took
McNutty with that freakin coal miner light on his head had to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a while on the show. That entire scene had me cracking up. From Templeton's worrisome, "that was him...again" to Lestor's comment about the Bawlmor accent, just classic stuff all around. Watching the resulting police action in the harbor just added to the humor. Cops tackling innocent civilians (do they even really exist? innocent civilians?) on the pier was just amazing. All it takes is the perception that you might have been involved and the cops have every reason to kick your ass.
Omar is on the war path and for a second I thought he had broken even and took out Vinson. Unfortunately it was just some stash house soldier Manny. And we also now see that it's not even about the stash. Omar flushed it. He is all about taking down Marlo. Usually, I would be happy about this but something just doesn't seem right with the method by which he is running right now. First, he usually runs with at least one crew memeber (where is Ronaldo?), and secondly hes a gimp. He can't maneuver like the rest. Third, him killing Sevino was very unlike Omar. I was shocked when he did it. His emotions are getting the better of him. I just hope he takes down a few more before he goes down. Let's face it folks, guys like Omar do not last in the streets. And if The Wire is anything, it's unremorseful in showing you that.
What the fuck are those damn clock images about? I have absolutely no clue and no theory on it even. But I do know that if anyone is going to crack it, it's Lestor. Just give him time. What will probably happen is he will crack it and then Marlo will get killed or busted before he can take him down himself. Kinda like McNutty with Stringer: he had em, but Mazone and Omar got to him first.
You will notice that I rarely, if ever, talk about the newsroom peeps. That's because besides Gus I really could care less. I guess I see how it all ties in (obviously) but I just so despise the Templeton character and the M.E.'s that it's hard to really invest and time into them. Thanks the Lord Jesus for Gus, cause at least he makes those scene bearable. (sorry folks but spellcheck isnt working today and I know I can't spell for shit).
"What the fuck just happened?" DA Bond.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet happens Mr. Bond. I feel very white today.
The closing scene this week was very poignant. I thought it would actually make a good closing scene for the entire series with Kima saying goodnight to all the different players in the game. A little campy, but very effective.
Note: As much as Jaded hated to admit it...I watched the next episode on Monday. I am sorry and therefor will not offer any predictions since, well, I already know what happens. Ill say this: Best. Episode. Of. Season. Flat out.
Posted by
Jaded Bitterman
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Season 5 Episode 56: The Dickensian Aspect
How in the fuck did Omar survive what seemed to be a six story fall? How in the fuck did Omar manage to hide for days in the utility room of the very building that was being hounded by both Po 9 and the Stanfield Scums? I guess it's the same as a serial killer storyline: a strecth. Something we are not used to on our show. But it is TV and I suppose the writers are allowed their creative leniency. Plus, doesn't it just add to the overall Omar mystique?
I'll admit that I loved watching Chris loose his mind looking for Omar. Chris was always so evenkeel, and that is what always bothered me about him. He seems to totally lack emotion (as do most of Marlo's peeps) unless he's beating the face in of a child molesting step dad. A couple of you think that beating might be the downfall of Chris and crew. How could he have NOT left any DNA? And we know from the end of season 4 that Lestor and crew took both Chris AND Snoop's blood. I never count out Smooth Lestor--perhaps the finest detective Bawlmor has to offer on the show.
I'll tell you who else I really love this season: Carcetti. From making his calls for money to his reaction when Norman tells him about the latest "phone call" to the press, Carcetti seems like the real deal as a politician. I am digging how they are opening up his character this year.
As for McNutty and his continually ridiculous escapades, I can only hope there is an end in sight here. Either way he is screwed. If they end up getting Marlo he wont get credit and there is no way he is going to catch a killer that doesn't exist. So now it's only Lestor and Sydnor that are in on it and The Bunk just might loose his mind during all of it.
When Marlo tells the coop about Joe, we see how Fat Face and others don't really buy it. This is later confirmed when Omar gets to him and laughs at the notion. Is the Coop going to take down Marlo? I don't think so, because unfortunately, Marlo is now the direct connect. Doesn't that just piss you off? Omar is running around the city calling out Marlo anywhere he can, but Marlo is no where to be found this episode. Personally, I think Omar is getting a little sloppy in his ways. I fear for him for the first time.
Oh Randy. How sad was it to see what the system has done to once-sweet Randy? Man, that was heartbreaking to watch as he hardened up on Bunk. I just keep thinking back to last season's incredibly emotional scene with Carver walking away as he asked him if he was going to look out for him. Turns out no one looked out for him and now we have yet another angry, young, black man. Everyone failed Randy.
No Shows: Marlo, Chris, Snoop, (last but not least) Namond, Bunny, and Prezbo.
I will be honest, I cannot offer any predictions since I am writing this post far after I have already watched the next two episodes. So I will not divulge what I already know.
Posted by
Jaded Bitterman
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Season 5 Episode 55: React Quotes
I first must address something that has bothered Jaded Bitterman throughout the posting of these blogs. It's called On Demand. It's only available if you have Satan running your cable (comcast). Personally, I rock the Direct TV, therefor, no early episodes for me unless I catch them over at Twin Dragon Studio in PET NW DC. I will admit I have watched a few ones early, but I know most of you do so before even reading these posts. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Now, on to the episode. Overall I get the feeling that most people aren't going to call this the best of the seasons on The Wire. That being said, I'll take a lesser season of the show against any other show on television. We start with the first of what I like to call "fuckin with my head" scenes. Opening in the lovely (and former running area of yours truly) Patterson Park we have Vondas and Marlo making friends. As Chris and Marlo walk away, we see what I swear is a smile on Marlo's face. A fuckin smile! He talks about the crown he assumes he has just accrued and hitting AC (that's Atlantic City for all you non-Jersey hoppers). Then we see Marlo and Chris visiting Chris's people and my head was all fucked up again. Marlo smiling, Chris playing with his child. This humanizing if throwing me off. I also sense a leak in the damn that is the connection between Chris and Marlo. Chris didn't like the AC idea, didn't want it to take more than a couple of weeks, and previously had made comments to Snoop about Marlo wanting things and to Slim about Marlo's conversational techniques. So what fucks with me is, is Marlo finally happy? Hells no, that heartless bastard is going to fall. And you know who I think it is...
If you still don't think that Herc and his camera are not going to bring Marlo down then I suggest you watch another show. I believe in previous posts I have suggested as much, including the Herc-->Carver-->Lestor connection. Well, it's on.
"There's a big world out there. Or so they tell me."
"Like, how do I get from here to there?"
Dukie is the new Bubs in a lot of ways. The down-and-out character who we adore and root for but who can never seem to catch a break. But unlike Bubs, Dukie does have people around him trying to help and I am totally psyched that Michael took him to Cutty (their glance at each other needed no words, it was powerful enough). Perhaps it will be my boy Cutty that finally helps Dukie get to that place. At least Michael is mature enough to see that he can't teach Dukie how to be on the streets--and that Dukie is not made for them either. I can only hope that this leads to Dukie finding his way. He knows computers, probably better than most around him. Could they find a job for him in the non-profit sector? Carver? Prez (as his assistant or something? I don't know...SOMETHING FOR DUKIE???)
The news room, Templeton, and now McNutty tied up in it all. After watching them both manipulate their stories to their managers with false interviews, wire taps, and phone calls, I realized something about McNutty: from his going to the judge in season one to get things rolling, to him sending that nautical fax in season two to get that rolling, to this newspaper/serial killer apparition, I wondered why hadn't McNutty gone to the press seasons ago? It seems like the most obvious way to get attention for any sort of cause--good or bad. What mostly gets failed to be realized in this plot line is the motivation behind his actions. We see "serial killer" and we think the writers have gone all Law and Order on us. I don't see it that way. I think what they are showing is that desperate times call for desperate measures. McNutty and by extension, Freemon, have been "forced" to go this route because there is no other way. As for Templeton, well, fuck him. He is a self-motivated asshole and only hopes to gain something for himself. At least McNutty is actually trying to solve real life murders. Finally, how hot is his ex-wife and former Homicide detective?
When McNutty visits her--and realizes how bad of a parent he is--there is a quick reference to a great DC-related band, Dead Meadow, from his kids ("what ever happened to The Ramones"--answered with a look of confusion). The reason I bring this up is because Jaded Bitterman needs to give some shot outs in regards to this band. It was Dirty One Kanobi/Senator Terrov from Bmore that introduced Jaded Bitterman to CG1 from DC. When Jaded and CG1 first met, the first "burned" CD handed to him by CG1 was...Dead Meadow. Just a cool semi-connection.
Omar Pulls a Michael Meyers.
First, how bad was that play Omar made? Staking out Monk's place for that long did he not think the dogs would be ready for him? Donnie insinuated as much, and I guess Omar was simply ready for it. When he finally did make his move, Donnie falls and Omar is in an array of bullet fire (including, damn it, Michael Lee) which should have killed him three times over. Then he jumps out of a second or third story window and shizam!...Michael Meyers, I mean, Omar is gone like Keyser Sose. I am really not sure what to make of that scene except I was disappointed on many levels. First, like in Lebowski, I didn't like seeing Donnie go. Second, I really think Omar should have died in that scene because I don't see how he realistically could have survived unless that couch was made of teflon. And finally, that Omar didn't at least get to kill ONE of Marlo's peeps.
No shows: Prez, Randy (though I saw him in the preview for next week), Namond, Bunny, and Rawls.
Predictions: Since I know most of you already watched the sixth episode, I'll keep my predictions to a minimum based upon the previews. Bunk goes at Randy for info on Lex's murder so he can work the case while Lestor works Marlos phone. As for that weird ass sound coming from the wire once Marlo made the call to Vondas, I can only assume it is some sort of secure phone line that either scrambles the call or lets The Greeks know that Marlo is coming for a meeting. Omar is making a run at Marlo's crew, I just can't decide who he is going to get, but I will make a bold statement and say I am at the point where I think Michael Lee needs to get got.
Posted by
Jaded Bitterman
Tuesday, February 05, 2008